Monday, July 25, 2011

White Cliffs of Dover

England is very beautiful. Scotland is awesome and Wales reminded me of Colorado, with all the rocky outcrops and streams...and the sheep. Millions of sheep. I mean, millions of them. I spent some time in Brighton with my friend, Craig. He had a cavernous apartment near the beach where Quadraphenia with The Who was filmed, and next door to where the IRA nearly blew up Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. There were cameras all over his building and secret codes to get through the front door because an MP lived there. I loved the rocky pebble beach, where, quite accidentally, I found myself sitting next to a gay section. At first I couldn't figure out why there were so many nudes and males only. I quietly moved my towel down the beach in the other direction. We set out to tour castles in Wales stopping at the lovely Amberley Castle Hotel somewhere in the south of England along the way.

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