Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How to be safed from Yahoo! Hacking

Hi! Guys as we know that today there are much cases for Hacking the email ID's.Many persons are getting hacked their Yahoo! Account.It becomes much difficult for common internet users to be safe in the world of Social networking Sites.
Don't worry Guys here I am giving you the tricks by which you can safe your Yahoo! Account from being hacked.Just Go ahead and read this Post and don't forget to post your comments Guys.

1. Avoid P2P file Sharing Through Yahoo Messenger                                                                     

Avoid downloading .exe or .zip files from them as they are more likely to attack your computer or install trozans without you being aware of it. Never trust a stranger when he asks you to click on any site you haven't heard of.Don't open or download any material which you don't know all about 

2. Avoid Clicking on Spammy Links                                                                                                  

If you are chatting with your friends and suddenly PM box flashes on the screen with a lucrative offer/interesting site which has a spammy look, don't click on it.These type of Sites have much Spyware in it which gets downloaded to your computer without your information.Don't download any toolbar unless its as authenticated as Yahoo's or Google's.

4. Use other yahoo 3rd party Chat Clients                                                                                       

Yahoo Messenger has too many loopholes. It doesn't have a strong security to block contents either. So, if you want to get rid of spams and porn contents all under one go, then you should go for some popular and secure yahoo chat clients like Yazak, y!supra. You can also go for Yah-Elite and Yam They may not have the same sophisticated GUI or entertainment features but they will increase the security of the chat sessions by many folds.

5. Use a Good Antivirus programs                                                                                                    

Applying your common sense is the least you can do to prevent your account from being hacked. A good anti-virus and anti-spyware always warns you about dangers that you may have overlooked. So its better to have them as well. If you implement the above 9 tips, you won't need to worry much I gues until you personally hand over your information to the person willing to crack your computer down.

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