Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Beautiful Day

What a perfect day for visiting with old friends. Twenty years have gone by but it didn't matter at all. It was if it had only been months. I wish they could have stayed longer. We looked around the farm then sat in the hay mow for a while before climbing up to the pond. The boys played on the round bales then jumped in for a swim while the grownups chatted. I wished the day would never end. Sally Zuck visited the home of her family in Richfield Springs near here, where her Patriot ancestors fought the British. David Zuck said he finally got the photographs he's always wanted of upstate New York from the top of my hill. Alice Revere, their daughter, recently lost her husband. I was able to talk to her about her tragic loss in person. It was wonderful watching Alice's boys, Seth and Silas, play with Luke. Tomorrow the family heads to West Point to visit their son, Jesse, who was my son, Eric's, friend from Army days. Then they head back home to their farm in Midlothian, Virginia. I wish them safe travel and am so happy they came to visit.

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