Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On the Farm

Hannah loves sleeping in her trailer. She reads her books and has her candles and a fan to make it cozy. I always knock on the door when I go looking for her. She jumps up and meets me at the door, so I don't know what it looks like in there. Hannah is not known for her tidyness (she IS my granddaughter)and I don't care since we are on vacation. The UPS truck couldn't find the farm and left the package of books at the post office where I found them yesterday. Hannah can finally get back on track with Passion and Torment, the sequels to Fallen. I flipped through quickly and couldn't find anything really offensive, but then I didn't actually read the books. Fingers crossed. I got into town and got food from the cute little market where prices are ridiculous just to fill the bellies and get some emergency cat food. Thought I would go to the waterfall with the kids but as I was filling water tanks I heard rumbling. Planes from Fort Drum I wondered? The sky began to turn black and the wind came up. My big pine, my wind barometer, is swaying back and forth. The storms come in off Lake Ontario very quickly up here. The sky might be sunny and blue in an hour. In the meantime I'll cut out some bags and do some work around here. Luke is supremely happy with cartoons on and his little game box in his lap going simultaneously, and a kitten or two. I bought him a supply of KitKat candy bars, his favorite. Hannah likes York Peppermint Patties!

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