Sunday, July 17, 2011


Hastings is our new bunny, from the Satin Angora breeder Joan Hastings. Hastings came home with me from the Bouckville show a few weeks back. He's very cute, but not the easiest bunny to keep happy. I'm on the second brand of rabbit food and he won't eat any of it. I've tried all the bunny goodies my Germans love and Hastings turns his twitchy little nose up at them. No fresh dandelion leaves, no broccoli, no hay. The only thing Hastings will eat is carrots. Carrots are keeping him alive right now until I can figure something out. I've even purchased a ridiculously expensive little bag of "bunny treats" from the feed store. It's a good thing Hastings is so cute...My parents were posted in Germany with the US Army for two years at the end of WWII. They came home with a healthy taste for hassefeffen (sp?) and I often sat down to dinner with a platter of my own bunnies placed in front of me. Not pleasant, but very delicious.

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