Sunday, July 17, 2011

Loafing About

Hannah and Luke are so good at entertaining themselves it's a little scary. The only way they are the least bit demanding is with food, but that's more my self-imposed desire to fill their little bellies with lots of good, wholesome home cooking. I asked Hannah if she could have anything she wanted for dinner what would it be and she said, Omi I'd love one of your delicious cheeseburgers. What could be easier? I introduced them to Swedish pancakes with some local maple syrup I traded wool for at the Bouckville show. They want Swedish pancakes again tonight for dinner. Fine with me. I have some sage breakfast sausages in the freezer from my piggies that will go with the pancakes just fine. I have a job for Luke - the hens are laying eggs in the corner of a cage I have in the chicken room and I can't get to them. I asked Luke if he will get the eggs because I need LOTS of eggs for Swedish pancakes. They are all eggs and butter, with a litte flour and lots of nutmeg and cinnamon. I was raised on them. Come to think of it, some fresh blueberry jam would do nicely on Swedish pancakes. Oh, the magnificent joy of it!!

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