Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Geep

My farm sign is ready to turn over. I hope to finish the other side this week. A feisty rain storm blew over my pop-up which I had stationed over the sign so I could paint without getting cooked by the sun. My lovely, still rather white, tent was blown right into the green slime next to the outdoor chicken run. Matt had to help me right it and carry it back onto the driveway stones to wash it. We scrubbed off the slime and gave it a good hosing. I hope it will be white enough for my first fancy arts festival in September - the fabulous Colorscape in Norwich. People at ag festivals understand the green slime thing, but not at Colorscape where judges go around and critique the booths for design prizes. In two years I have not placed, no surprise. I like the way the sign came out. The Geep (whimsical representation of a goat/sheep-like creature will have a blue eye once I find my box of acrylic paints. I hope I can draw it again on the other side. If the Geep is slightly different, then who cares? It will be even more "mine." I promise a picture once the sign is hung on the stonehenge-like apparatus standing in my field (thank you son-in-law Andrew for that description - it fits.)

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