Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Morning

A gentle rain fell all night - perfect for the fields. The rams/ram lambs/bucklings seem to be adapting nicely to being separated from the girls. I counted 55 ewes and wethers on the hillside last night. That's still on the high side for me, even with the wagons of lovely green second cut hay being delivered by the Postma brothers. Winters are long and hard here in the Great North Land and the critters surely do go through the hay. I have a big pot of cabbage/carrot/cauliflower/onion/potato soup simmering on the stove, with lots of lemon curry, dill, lemon pepper and salt. Oh, it will be so nice to have it ready for me on a cold winter night when I drag my sorry butt in from the barn and don't want to cook for myself. I can smell the aroma of the soup and wood stove right now. Off to the farm/hardware store to get parts for the hay elevator extension. The electric is working, but the motor is shot. If I can get it fixed I can run bales all the way down to the other end and drop them with the kicker. Sure will save some sweat equity. Gray and cloudy now so I don't think another wagon will com for a day or two. Ciao for now.

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