Thursday, August 11, 2011

Google + tips and tricks

Google+ is a pretty word to hear. It is called the Facebook’s younger sister because it has the same user characteristics and it is so smooth and precise avoiding disturbing advertisements. The most beneficial role of using it is that it has made a platform of social media and created a difference of interacting with our family members, friends, colleges, partners and dearest persons. It is not astonishing that Google was tensed with the release of Google+ as it failed with Wave and Buzz. During the trial of field testing Google has restricted the new users and it is very disturbing if anybody intend to communicate with family members and friends as the process of inviting is kept on hold for the further notice. It is mentionable about using Face book, Twitter and other sites of social networking that they have a huge user base in lieu of small groups. As a result bright potential is being interrupted for restricted invitation access.

Google+ is also amazing for fun. The most remarkable feature of it is the creation of Circles. There’s no need to be tensed about the fact that from the weekend somebody is seeing your party photos. Circle creation allows you to share something with someone who is especially caring about your shared things even what you are instantly uploading using your cell phone. Websites are created like a newsfeed which are linked to someone’s desired key words and it can be saved instantly. Face book allows to group chat but the groups are generated on the basis of common interests and subjects for thousands or more members. The Huddle feature of Google+ permits to create group chat using text messaging. It is more easy and simple because it can be done via your mobile phone. The Hangout feature permits to do “Huddle” besides video. It is just an alternative to Skype and 10 users are allowed in Hangout without paying premium cost for the feature.  

It is important to note that it is possible to use Google+ besides Google tabs, Gmail etc. It is just an extension of the toolbar. This allows communicating with others without leaving Google. It is not possible in Face book and Twitter.

 Some important considerations which are followed by Google are given below:                                                  

Priority one- is the use of key word in the “cum” extension of the website’s page name. For example – should not be used. It is appropriate to write -

Priority two-is the use of word phrase or word in the Meta tags of html ‘title’. It is a secret of Ad sense. Every newly built web page of the Microsoft is primarily in the default, a Meta tag of-New page-2. It should be your word phrases and words only.

Priority three-is the heading tags. For example h1, h2 ... Heading like the following should be avoided: “Today's Special Offers.” It is better to include the Google keywords in the title. For example: Today’s Best Deals on Property in London.  While we will talk about Meta tags I will mention “Priority 6”. In the past the key description had been wrongly used where people had to add about 200 keywords within the tag area. The system was like this: you had to build key or phrase specific page and put only the key or phrases within the tag. Search engine optimizers argued about the use of the tag anymore. I would like to say, better safe than sorry.

While we are still on Meta tags it would be frugal to mention the phrases or key words within the Meta tag description. Though directly it would not be added to the SEO or Ad sense, it will indirectly be added. An example can be given: The description is like the one that the search engine opts for displaying in the list. A nice description which includes the key word or phrases will catch the attention of the people to click on the link of the website.

Priority four-is the making the Google-key bold. The density of the Google key words or phrases should ranges between 2 to 5%.If it becomes more than that you may be charged for spamming Google key. A page containing about 1000 words, making every keywords or phrases bold would be too much. It is better to bold the first two mentions and the last mention should be bold.

Priority five- key words or phrases should be underlined or italic. Without intermingling by the bold it is convenient to sometimes italicize and sometimes underline the others.

I hope that the journey I had made was so much helpful and beneficial for you too. Something is so obvious but it may be easily forgotten. I believe that it would make your site modified again.

This article is written by Kevin Moor, who also writes for, a site featuring various
 mac reviews

This article was written by Kevin Moor,Our guest writer.
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