Thursday, August 11, 2011

Facebook Social Media Marketing Tips and Tricks

Obtaining a page for your product or service on the world’s famous and most popular social interaction site, Facebook, is like getting a jewel in the market. Since, people of all ages, genders, races, income groups, etc are regular users of Facebook, not much effort is required by the business to promote its bringings and productions.

The fact that the large audience of the social media site is the biggest advantage for adopting a Facebook online marketing campaign for your business, on the other hand, a small mistake in this campaign may ruin everything getting signs of rejection from over 5 million users that are spread worldwide. Recovering from such a great loss might come out to be as impossible for many. In order to save you and your business from such a situation, some tips regarding the marketing through one of the biggest social media site, Facebook, are outlined below:

Create a Catchy Facebook Vanity URL                                                                                                         
URL or usernames can be said as domain names which are the identity of any product or service. Tthese URL’s are very important to represent the product in front of the people. People will remember the line as rather than the number associated wih each webpage. Ensure that the username is decent as well as attractive so that the initial impression is of a positive nature.

Make a Complete Profile                                                                                                                                
Never leave anything out from your profile. Try to incorporate as much details as possible as the aim of both the business and the consumer is the same - to give and get a more detailed description about the product. You can also attach your addresses to other social interaction sites which will increase your list of followers.

Join Relevant Groups                                                                                                                                     
The best way to give more exposure to your campaign is to join groups that are related to your product. This does not mean that you directly join the group of your competitors and start a cold war with them, rather join those groups that are considered as interested groups of your products. Conduct meaningful conversations with these groups so that your presence is felt.

Customize Your Facebook Page                                                                                                                   
Customizing anything adds in a personal touch. Many tools are available in the market through which you can design your Facebook page according to the requirements of your brand. Be careful when doing this, as the page should look like a professional custom based webpage.

Constantly Add New Contents                                                                                                                    
Make a habit of refreshing your Facebook page by adding new and improved contents in it. You can also post in the link which goes to your blog for all those followers who require more detailed description of the product or service. When adding content, make sure to mould it according to your brands style. Try not to dump all the information in its entirety, rather trim the information in such a manner that all info is provided and that too in an understandable and effective manner.

Contents Should Be Interesting                                                                                                                  
Social media tips through Facebook emphasizes that you incorporate a touch of fun and interest in your account page. When the people will find the contents interesting to read, they will be attracted towards it, thereby, helping in acheiving the goal of increased followers. Don’t sound serious all the time. Make the products fun for the visitor and the rest will be assured.

Post Previous User Experiences                                                                                                                  
You can always ask the customers to come ahead and share their experiences with the product. Through this they can make people realize about the credibility of the product and can also make improvements in the same. Access those customers who are regular users of the product and request them to tell about their experinces. One thing to point out is that try not to edit the experiences shared and post them in its originality.

Listen To the Customers                                                                                                                            
Useful social media tips may include a poll before the launching of the product in which you aim to determine the expectations people have from the upcoming product. Through this way you will be able to understand the demand of the users and perhaps find yourself in a situation to incorporate some of these suggestions.

Determine Your Privacy Settings                                                                                                                
Depending on the nature of your business, determine your privacy settings as to whether the page will be visible to Facebook fans only or to make it accessible by anyone anywhere in the world. The use of privacy settings can be illustrated as if you are offering a discount package for the Facebook fans only; your requirement at that time is to lock up the page to be accessible by Facebook fans only.

Allow a Shopping Cart                                                                                                                               
You can also make a shopping cart option on your Facebook page. Once you have overcomed the hardships of convincing people about the qualities of the product, a shopping cart can put a seal on the deal. Also try to lessen down the purchase process as more and more purchasing process may lower the level of enthusiasm in the follower to buy it.

This article is written by Kevin Moor who writes for, a site featuring interesting and informative reviews on data recovery

This article was written by Kevin Moor,Our guest writer.
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