Saturday, September 10, 2011

"First Class" Sequel Heading For The 70's?

While chating to Crave online, "X-Men" franchise producer, Lauren Shuler Donner spoke out about a possible sequel to Matthew Vaughn's "X-Men: First Class". She said that she thinks that the sequel will head foward to the 70's. Below is the whole interview,
For future films in the franchise, will you keep doing the historical thing or will you go back to the more modern era anytime soon?
Lauren Shuler Donner-Well, if we were going to sequelize this and keep on going, we would stay in the next [time] period. Probably we’d go to the 70’s.
‘X-Men: First Class.’ The best ‘X-Men’ movie so far. I think so, other people think so. A lot of people didn’t think the last two were good. Was there a concerted effort to do something differently with ‘X-Men: First Class,’ besides obviously the period change?
Lauren Shuler Donner-Yeah. Every time we make a movie we try to make it a little bit different, so that you’re not seeing the same thing over and over again. But yes, you know, we were aware that… I wasn’t too pleased with those movies. We just wanted to make something that was a fan-pleaser. There are many elements that go into making a movie, and not all of them came together. But in this one, yes, we made a concerted effort to reinvent it.
Was it easy getting Matthew Vaughn back? He was on ‘X-Men 3’ for a little while, but it didn’t happen. Did he have to be convinced?
Lauren Shuler Donner-Well, this time we had a really good script! And it was sort of the right place at the right time, you know, and as I said, Bryan [Singer] said, “Hey, look at the script. I can’t do it. Read it.” And Matthew said he read the script, hoping he’d hate it. [Laughs.] And he called up Bryan and said, “I like it!” And that was it! Everybody made up and said, hey, let’s do it. And by the way, Matthew also directed Kick-Ass, which was so good…

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